1st Annual Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition Announced!If you or someone you know has a daughter between 2 and 12 years of age AND they use Ubuntu (or a derivative ie Kubuntu, Qimo etc) then this competition is for you!Below is the original announcement that was sent to the Ubuntu Women Mailing List by Melissa Draper on Tue Apr 13 16:58:21 BST 2010. Greetings all!Following the success of our International Women's... more »
Last year at this time, I had only been involved with Ubuntu and the Open Source community a little over a month. All things Ubuntu and Open Source in respects to my personal involvement were new, exciting and awesomely overwhelming and I hate to admit it but, I did not blog about anyone for Ada Lovelace Day 2009.That said I have to admit in the last year I have been given the opportunity to meet and get to know so man... more »
Today is International Women's Day and the Ubuntu Women Project held a "How I discovered Ubuntu."competition in honor of this event. The Competition which was announced back in January, asked women and girls who use Ubuntu to submit their "How I discovered Ubuntu" stories. This is the beginning of a collection of stories that can be built upon each year and will allow the Ubuntu Women Project to dem... more »

Follow along as Ubuntu enthusiast and Community organizer Amber Graner helps put the "You" in Ubuntu.

Amber Graner is an active Ubuntu community member and organizer who encourages everyone around her to participate, support, and learn about Ubuntu and Open Source. With a smile and a sense of humor, Amber reminds people that there is a place for everyone in the Ubuntu community – regardless of technical skill level (or lack thereof). She is constantly looking for people, places, and events within the Ubuntu community that help inspire Ubuntu users to participate actively within the Ubuntu community. Email Amber at amber AT ubuntu-user DOT com.


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